How COVID is bringing Digital Accessibility into the Limelight

Closeup image of a Virus

The COVID pandemic has changed the world as we know it. Many countries, cities and suburban areas are taking precautions to prevent the spread of this viruses. These may include, mandating remote working policies, replacing in-person events with virtual ones and the dissemination of important updates and information digitally.

Here are few examples and questions to ask ourselves demonstrating the importance of digital accessibility and how it relates to COVID-19.

An employee who is deaf, do they have remote access to an accurate transcription of the audio portion of today’s big presentation?  Was the PDF that was sent out to employees to let them know who to contact in an emergency properly tagged so that an employee who is blind and uses a screen reader can get that same information independently? Is the company prepared for remote work for all employees, or just those without disabilities that change the way they use the web?

A customer who uses a keyboard instead of a mouse and who isn’t comfortable going to the mall, can they make full use of your online shopping site? Can a person who has low vision and needs to learn about how their region is responding to the Coronavirus get this critical information online? Is access to services and information available to all people, or just those without disabilities that change the way they use the web?

Never has there been a time where accessibility has been so important.  Imagine yourself as a person with a disability and how frightening this would be knowing you don’t have access to essentials.  As a quick reminder, here is a free checklist of accessibility requirements.

Keep in mind that this is not just social responsibility – it’s legislated.  If you need assistance in making your web applications accessible compliant, we can help.  This is one of key areas of expertise. Reach out to Darryl at [email protected] or call us at 905-852-2615.  We’d be happy to chat.